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Ostrichland USA

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Writing, Photography, Blog


Santa Barbara County

As my friend D and I were cruising down the 610 Hwy on our way to Solvang, we spotted the most random sign.. "Ostrichland USA". After thee longest black girl deep stare conversation,( Y’all know) We decided, why not? I veered off the road and followed the signs, not really sure what to expect.
As we made our way to the entrance I immediately noticed the ostriches and emus in the distance, with their long necks and huge feathers. Between the two of us I don’t know who was more excited to get up close & personal with these big ole birds! Yet there definitely was that kernel of prayer “ sweet Baby Jesus let me leave with all the digits and eyes I came with” that kept being whispered between D and I.

We bought some food to feed the birds and soon found ourselves surrounded by ostriches and emus, who were all pecking at our hands for a snack. The babies ones were just so funny and curious while the adults were just so darn smart. I got my food bin snatched and stolen a couple times by the sneaky veterans. But the real surprise came when we went to pay for the food and a cute bunny literally sat by the register to give us our receipt! It was the most unexpected and adorable thing I had ever seen. But the spontaneous gems didn't stop there - the store front itself is lowkey a vintage shopper's paradise. We couldn't resist browsing through the quirky trinkets and souvenirs, all while being serenaded by the sounds of the ostriches and emus outside demanding more food.

As we continued on our road trip, we couldn't help but look back on the visit to Ostrichland with laughs and fondness. It was the perfect blend of unexpected animal encounters, cute bunny sightings, and vintage shopping treasures. Did we plan for that it worth it..absolutely. So just a friendly reminder, sometimes the best adventures are the ones that are unplanned and take you off the beaten path.


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